‘EpiSimR’ is an R package providing an interactive
Shiny application for simulating the spread of
epidemic and endemic diseases using
deterministic compartmental mathematical models. The
application allows users to:
- Select different epidemiological models (SIR,
- Consider key factors such as immunity, demographic changes,
vaccination, and isolation strategies.
- Adjust model parameters dynamically (e.g., basic
reproduction number R₀, infectious period, vaccination
- Visualize the impact of interventions through real-time
interactive plots.
This tool is designed for researchers, public health
professionals, and students who wish to explore the dynamics of
infectious diseases and assess intervention strategies.
To install and load ‘EpiSimR’, use:
# Install from CRAN
# Load the package
Launching the Application
To start the interactive Shiny app, run:
1. Model Selection & Customization
- SIR vs. SEIR models: Choose between the classic
Susceptible-Infected-Recovered (SIR) or
Susceptible-Exposed-Infected-Recovered (SEIR)
- Immunity options: Decide whether recovered
individuals gain permanent or temporary immunity.
- Demographic changes: Option to include
birth and mortality rates in the model.
- Public health interventions: Assess the impact of
vaccination and isolation strategies.
2. Adjustable Parameters
- Basic reproduction number (R₀).
- Birth and mortality rates.
- Infectious period.
- Latent period (for SEIR models).
- Duration of immunity.
- Vaccination coverage.
- Isolation rate.
3. Simulation & Visualization
- Real-time simulation: Run simulations dynamically
as parameters are adjusted.
- Graphical visualization: Generate plots showing
disease dynamics over time.
- Comparative analysis: Assess the effectiveness of
different control measures.
4. User-Friendly Interface
- Interactive UI built with the
Shiny package.
- Dynamic updates based on user input.
- Export options for simulation results.
Example Use Case
Imagine a scenario where a new infectious disease emerges. Public
health officials want to evaluate whether vaccination or
isolation measures can help control the outbreak. Using
EpiSimR, they can:
- Select an SEIR model to account for an incubation
- Set an initial R₀ of 3.0 (high transmission
- Introduce a vaccination strategy covering 60% of
the population.
- Observe the resulting reduction in peak infection
For more details on deterministic compartmental models, see:
- Brauer, F. (2008). Compartmental Models in
Epidemiology. In: F. Brauer, P. van den Driessche, & J. Wu
(Eds.), Mathematical Epidemiology. Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-540-78911-6_2.
- Keeling, M. J., & Rohani, P. (2008).
Modeling Infectious Diseases in Humans and Animals. Princeton
University Press.
If you use ‘EpiSimR’ in your research, please cite it as follows:
This vignette provides an introduction to using ‘EpiSimR’ for
epidemic simulations. For further details, refer to the package
documentation and function help pages (e.g., ?run_app